Title Insurance In The Know
June 1, 202420 Important Reasons You Need Title Insurance
It’s good to understand the many reasons Title Insurance is so important for your real estate transaction. This list of 20 reasons you need Title Insurance will give you just an idea why our team works diligently to be sure your property is clean and carries proper Title Insurance at closing.
1. Forgery.
2. Fraud in the execution of document
3. Undue influence on a grantor of a deed.
4. False impersonation by someone purporting to be the owner of a property.
5. Errors in surveys.
6. Undisclosed or missing items.
7. Wills not properly probated.
8. Misinterpretation of wills or trusts.
9. Mental incompetence of a grantor of a deed.
10. Transfer of title by a minor.
11. Heirs born after the execution of a will.
12. Incorrect legal descriptions.
13. Non-delivery of deeds.
14. Unsatisfied claims not shown on the record.
15. Deeds executed under expired or false powers of attorney.
16. Confusion due to similar or identical names.
17. Dower or curtesy rights of spouses of former owners.
18. Incorrect indexing of the land records.
19. Clerical errors in recording legal documents.
20. Delivery of deeds after the death of the Granter.

How Title Insurance Works
As property changes hands, mistakes and irregularities – often made long before you expressed interest in the property – can place your ownership in dispute. The seller may have…
* Avoided disclosure of using the property as collateral for an unpaid loan.
* Fraudulently claimed to be the sole owner.
* Failed to pay real estate taxes.
Even a simple mistake in the recording of legal documents, improper execution of legal instruments or the reappearance of undisclosed or missing heirs can result in the loss of your home.
Get The Complete Ownership Security You Need With Our Four Pillars Of Protection:
- Service
The experience and dedication of our full-service, nationwide network of professionals assure you of an expert title search and examination and an accurate, timely closing. - Security
We’re leaders in combating mortgage fraud to help protect you against those who misrepresent themselves or the property or who attempt identity theft. - Technology
We hold the industry’s largest collection of real estate-related data, documentation and public record information. Using comprehensive, intuitive technology tools and rapid communications, our professionals can quickly and securely search and clear property titles. - Trust
Homebuyers trust our passionate commitment to helping consumers understand the steps, fees and requirements of real estate transactions. Our open process and availability to answer all your questions provide the clarity you need about what is often your largest and most valuable purchase.

If you want to learn more about how Magnolia Title can help you through the process and acquisition of title insurance, call us at 1-865-429-5455.